# sample.param # # A sample parameter file for the SCH1D simulation of the quantum # harmonic oscillator in 1D. # use '#' at beginning of line for comments, just to be safe # Display modes # param_trace -> whether to print parameters to std err as they are read in # time_trace -> whether to print elapsed time and status to std err # norm_trace -> whether to print wave function norms to std err param_trace := true time_trace := true norm_trace := true # Grid parameters: # Nx -> number of grid points (must be power of 2) # dx -> grid spacing in x # adjust these until you don't get aliasing warnings during the run Nx := 128 dx := 0.05 # time step for split-operator integration dt := 0.1 # order of the evolution method (2, 4, or 6) # methods are symmetric split-operator Fourier transform, with # Richardson extrapolation for orders 4 and 6 order := 2 # final time of simulation tfinal := 10 # number of time-slices to output # outputs will be expectation values and p and x distributions to # 3 different files. At most, Ntout could be tfinal/dt, but you # probably don't want that much data. Ntout := 100 # frequency of harmonic trap (2*pi in this sample) wx := 6.28318530717959 # Planck constant hbar := 1.0 # initial condition parameters (for min-uncertainty Gaussian wave packet) # p0 is assumed to be 0 sigma_x := 0.4 x0 := 0.3 # output file stem # if base_file_tag := sample, then outputs will be to files # sample.avg.txt # sample.xdist.txt # sample.pdist.txt base_file_tag := sample