# Makefile to compile example program 'hosc' on generic # Unix machines # comments are on lines that begin with a '#' .IGNORE: SHELL = /bin/csh # set commonds for compiling and loading F90 = f95 F90FLAGS = -O3 F90CFLAGS = -c F90LFLAGS = F90_COMPILE = $(F90) $(F90FLAGS) $(F90CFLAGS) F90_LOAD = $(F90) $(F90FLAGS) $(F90LFLAGS) .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .f90 .o .mod # these are the compilation rules; i.e., how to change a .f90 file to a .o # file (object code file), and how to change a .f90 file to a .mod file # (module information file) .f90.o: $(F90_COMPILE) $*.f90 .f90.mod: $(F90_COMPILE) $*.f90 EXECUTABLES = hosc # below here are listed all the dependencies; that is, before the # 'hosc' "target" gets compiled, first the make utility must do # whatever it needs to do to update the files # globals.mod odeab90.mod odeab_support.mod utilities.mod # using the above rules # 'all' is the default here, which builds all the executables (hosc) # NOTE: there are tabs here that will not transfer if you copy and paste, # and the Makefile WILL NOT WORK if the tabs are replaced by spaces. all: $(EXECUTABLES) hosc: hosc.o globals.o odeab90.o odeab_support.o utilities.o $(F90_LOAD) hosc.o globals.o odeab90.o odeab_support.o utilities.o -o hosc hosc.o: globals.mod odeab90.mod odeab_support.mod utilities.mod odeab90.o: odeab_support.mod odeab90.mod: odeab_support.mod odeab_support.mod: globals.mod utilities.mod: globals.mod # this is what to do when you type "make clean" clean: rm -f *.o *.mod *.d $(EXECUTABLES)