Welcome to Group 1's website for Physics 686: Numerical Quantum Optics taught at the University of Oregon by Professor Daniel Steck.

Group Members:


Randal Rodenberger               Xiaolu Cheng                          Khodadad Nima Dinyari

Project # 1

Project # 1 can be found here.

Project # 2

Project # 2 can be found here.

You can also find some animations of our particle in a harmonic oscillator below. Unlike group two's animation one can actually see the stochastic noise introduce into the system due to the measurement process. I am curious, did we just screw up big time and not filter it out well enough? or did group 2 do something funny. Hmmm we will just have to wait and see.

The animation of the x-distribution can be found here.

The animation of the p-distribution can be found here.

In the spirit of group 2 we will display a link to a graph of our energy as a function of time for 8 seconds. Notice the stochastic nature of quantum measurement. Please note that the feedback didn't start until after the first second of evaluation until which the measurement is actually heating the system.

Project # 3

Here is a link to our kinetic energy plot. Here is a link to our total energy plot. And finally, here is a plot of our measured mean position compared to the actual mean position.

Our power point presentation.

Here is a link to our writeup for Project # 3.